
We're in the middle of the really cool part of the pregnancy - lots of firsts.  We've just had our first flutters.  Angie feels these little flutters and she grabs my hand and suddenly I'm feeling our baby doing kicks and dancing around.

He apparently likes Irish dulcimer music.  At least that was what he was dancing to most in the 42nd Street Subway Station.   He went crazy.

Angie said it's like she feels a sloshing - like a swimmer doing a kick turn.

I've been reading Daddy books.  Part of the reason for doing this blog has been to possibly collect thoughts and ideas for a book from the perspective of a first time Dad who is going to be a stay at home father.  Unfortunately all the books so far, despite being informative, give advice to Dad's who are obviously going to be in the workforce five days a week.  There's lots of advice on how to bond during the first few months, after you get home from work, kick off your shoes and wait for dinner... 

I'm going to be the stay at home and my wife will be the 9-5'er.  We've been talking about the schedule we'll set up when she returns to work from maternity leave.  We're working on making sure she has that time, but what about the father who is at home all day? 

There are lots of us.  There are even places that cater to us, like Dadgear.com, the coolest dad bags ever...  (shameless plug... please give me a free bag...!)

Perhaps I'll have to write the book.


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